Software Engineer | Full Stack Web Developer | SEO | Data Analytics | Em beddedSystem Design with Arduino Programming | Hardware and Software Troubleshooting | PWA
webvium · Let me introduce Webvium A ultra lighweight 500KB and privacy friendly android web browser. It's build from the scratch without any 3rd party...
Lightweight, Material Design, Private and Secured Web Browser for Android Devices · Webvium Dev is a indev build version of Webvium Browser. It offers...
Lightweight - Full Featured - Material Design - Privacy Friendly · Webvium Web Browser for Android OS was designed and programmed from scratch without...
My portfolio has been updated quite a bit today. As a result, I wanted to add a dark mode option for the most recent modifications, but I have no idea...
Aside from learning my first language, one of the first things I did when I started learning programming was to make my first Android app. · Aside from...
the webvium project · The Webvium Project Webvium is a project that i created for years now that focuses in security, privacy, features while being...